Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Randoms... Panama

Randoms... Panama

Saturday, 10 November 2012


Monday, 5 November 2012




This is just simply a random list of things I have either done, thought or experienced lately while here in Costa Rica. There is no particular order of these events. They just happened:
I swam in the caribbean sea, got a new tattoo, shook hands with the ambassador of Argentina, experienced my first earthquake, frequented a gay bay and watched a drag queen show, gave a presentation on the subject of the middle east, walked from San Pedro to Sabana Norte, witnessed a women getting punched in street fight, made numerous amazing smoothies, unknowingly bought a pink lady fit t-shirt for a cancer fund walk that I did n't even attend, saw a sloth, had Breakfast in the company of a charming 92 year old man, had a house party, was told by my neighbour to stop having a house party, witnessed a zombie march, slept in a hammock, had a conversation with a young American who managed (in a good way) to meet every stereotype possible, went to a bar where turning your baseball cap backwards was an entry requirement, got my phone stolen, got it back, unblocked a toilet, befriended a street boy named Oscar who has got a finger missing, acquired a spiderman mask, broke a skateboard, entered a dry cracker eating contest, fell of the porch, shaved myself a mustache and bought a pair of earrings.